Francisco Nava, 23, a politics major at Princeton University, made the news recently after admitting that he had fabricated a series of email death threats. Nava, campus police discovered, had hoped to highlight the intolerable oppression of wealthy heterosexual conservative students at the prestigious Ivy League school by staging a series of increasingly elaborate hoaxes and then blaming his political opponents.
Conservative commentators were very quick to suggest that the mainstream media had initially ignored Nava’s heartrending plight because they are simply prejudiced against the patrician aristocrats who will eventually lead the nation.
But back to Nava’s fascinating follies: the menacing emails he sent to himself and other conservative students and faculty were just a curtain raiser. The story gets much, much weirder.
Not content with receiving his own terrifying death threats, the young scholar upped the ante, staging a vicious assault (which was entirely self-inflicted) by dragging his face along a roughly pitted wall, and then setting about himself with a distinctive looking Orangina bottle.
Nava claimed his injuries were the work of unidentified assailants – most likely liberal students disgruntled by his recent article about the university’s campaign to distribute free condoms. But since Nava stands at six foot three and weighs over 200 pounds, it was probably something else – his occasional bouts of hyperventilation, or his past history of fabricating false charges – that aroused suspicions.
(Here is a link to Nava’s laughably sanctimonious anti-condom rant, the article that he claimed enraged his imaginary assailants. We’ll call it
Random Hookups Will Depress You, Yea To The Point Of Doom, because that’s essentially what he argues in an article that, I warn you, is about as retarded a screed as you are ever likely to read.)
Now let’s get back to the campus drama. According to The Daily Princetonian prominent members of the Anscombe Society, (a conservative campus group founded to promote “
a chaste lifestyle which respects and appreciates human (hetero) sexuality, relationships, and dignity”) all received identical messages telling them they would “suffer,” and that ordered them to “shut the fuck up” declaring that “you are not welcome here.”
“We will destroy you,” a further email said, in case they hadn’t quite got the message, and presumably to underline that a Shakespearian rapprochement was not on the cards.
According to Nava, the liberal pro-sex forces on the prestigious campus were now consulting the darkest pages of the fascist playbook. Conservative silence was to be physically enforced. Of course, news of this latest leftist outrage hit the blogosphere faster than you can say WTF Dude:
It’s OK To Beat Up Conservative Students sets the Kristallnacht-ish tone.
Reactions, as they say, were entirely predictable. David Horowitz, the neoconservative enragé who sees all U.S. academia as a kind of Sodom of the Mind, weighed in with his usual restraint. “It’s a terrible incident but it doesn't surprise me,” he told the The New York Sun. “The left has now become the hate group.”
Fox News anchor Brit Hume also took a bite. The headline of his report on the Nava affair read “Little Outrage Over Student Beating At Princeton University.” There was little outrage because, as Hume and Horowitz intimate, Nava was a Christian conservative white heterosexual male from Texas – a member of what is fast becoming
the most oppressed and marginalized demographic in the nation.
You hear that Your Honor? Let him off.