It's a sad day for freedom in the
Free State. The Maryland Court of Appeals (the state's highest court) handed down a decision that upholds the current state law that defines marriage as a union between a man and a woman thereby rejecting a lawsuit by 19 queers who were fighting for the right to marry their same-sex partners. As this is the highest court in the state, the Court of Appeals decision is final and can not be appealed since it deals with the Maryland constitution.
The sadness is poignant and resonates with this writer who was born and raised in Maryland and whose great-grandparents settled in the state in pursuit of freedom from the institutionalized persecution they were subjected to in "the old country".
While Alanis Morissette may define irony as
rain on your wedding day, I would propose that irony is actually being denied the freedom to marry in a state that's nickname is The Free State.