Tuesday, September 20. 2005Like a Horse and CarriageComments
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There is so much inherent truth in your argument against gay marriage and I can't help but be moved to think deeper about all the reasons against gay marriage that actually promote our right to be ourselves. I agree that everyone should have the same rights but you're right about ulitmately marginalizing already marginalized groups.
Unfortunately, for better or for worse, marriage affords people certain very important rights and benefits. Those benefits of course are not all monetary but rights for such important things like sponsoring our same-sex partners who are not natural born US citizens to stay in the country like 16 other countries in the world do. Of course it's true that this should be a right given to us irrespective of marriage but the simple fact is we are deprived these rights. Your argument also begs the question about the origins and purpose of marriage and monogmy (since we're sort of on the subject of traditional institutions) from an historical perspective.
2005-09-20 11:30
Yes, absolutely - Immigration Equality and Marriage Equality are linked issues here in the US, as are inheritance, insurance, adoption, and social security issues. Which is why I'm reluctant to step forward as entirely against same sex marriage. I just hope we're looking at the big picture, too.
But as the gay rights movement flows more and more into the mainstream, we should all be wary of it going the way of feminism - becoming a movement increasingly promoting only the rights of its white, middle and upper class members. Even before more radical queerness, the gay rights movement started with people being proud of who they are, not how well they could make themselves fit in.
2005-09-22 14:20
Or should we by fighting for a society where married, monogamous pairs of people aren't granted privileged stauts because they are participating in an "ideal" arrangement for raising kids?
Yes I think that is precisely what we should have been fighting for all along. Thanks for this brave post. I find the "united front" pressure very oppressive because I disapprove of marriage (full stop), for many of the reasons you listed above and also for feminist reasons. In the current climate, if you attempt to express a few reservations about the quest for gay marriage, you are practically accused of being a traitor. Any attempt to critique the campaign is interpreted as you not wanting people to have equal rights! I just feel debate on this subject is increasingly being silenced. It's so easy to forget all about the queer and feminist critique of marriage (as an institution) when it seems to offer such enormous benefits.
I just think that the fight for the equal rights of these gay couples is not progressive thinking since it almost translates into asking for special privileges. It's just true that every single person should be experiencing the same rights and privileges, but when I think of favoring same-sex marriages, I don't think about equal rights; I instantly think of bias and special favors.
I don't think changing the the law in 1967 to allow asian people to marry white people or black people to marry latin people was a speical right. I also do not think queers are asking for special right in asking for the same rights afforded to straights.
Until 1967 interracial marriage was illegal in the USA and some of the same arguments used then are now being used against gay marriage today (e.g. it's against the bible, etc.). It's important to note that while much of America was up in arms over "heathen" bi-racial couples it was the "activist" judicial system that secured their rights to marry whomever they wished in 1967. We can never expect a majority to protect the rights of the minority that's why we have a judicial system and that's why the judicial system must have the chance to affirm queer rights such as marriage and other rights granted to all others.
2005-11-15 21:49
Talk about way behind the times --
but it's from Married With Children.
2006-09-07 23:41
Ooooo, Sara...yes, but no.
It's actually from the televised musical version of OUR TOWN starring Frank Sinatra. "Married...with Children" did indeed use it as their theme song, but it was composed by James Van Heusen with lyrics by Sammy Cahn for the TV adaptation of that ol' Thornton Wilder chestnut in 1955.
i tend to agree with you.
not in the sense that gay marriage eradicates the respectability of other couples, because think about it-- heterosexual marriage exists, yet plenty of heterosexual couples delay marraige or opt for alternative arrangements. however, i agree with your perspective in the sense that there are other issues that lgbt communities should be mobilizing around. i.e. hate crime, homelessness among queer youth, AIDS, etc, gay marriage is the final frontier.. it's something that persons would not have enoguh stability or resources to access unless they enjoyed other types of priviledge already... while i do think there is a civil rights issue here, i think it's the issue encapsulated by civil unions. it IS a travesty that gay couples can be together for 40 years and still not be afforded visitation rights, or be able to inherit property if they didn't draft a will, etc. however, whether we have to call in marriage in order to reap its benefits is another issue. i don't think the separate but equal aspect of all this bothers me as much as the outright refusal to recognize same sex unions. finally, your discussion reminds me of debates i've heard about regarding the tax benefits that married couples receive. that is definitely an antiquated practice that does precisely what you object to -- values married couples more highly than other types of relationships. what about pushing to excise that? |
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