Tuesday, October 28. 2008The ladies are back - L Word DVD giveaway!Trackbacks
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I would love to snag one of the sets. My partner and I bought seasons one and two, but haven't been able to afford to do the rest. I just finished my MA, and in my defense I had a lot of people who suggested that I could look at The L Word as a text in my future research, so I'm all about re-visiting the seasons (for, uh, research, of course) in a new light. Woo!
And, also, OMFG on the Leisha Haley/Alice spinoff. That would be absolutely fantastic! She's, hands-down, my favorite character!
we'd love to have a copy, as well! when the show first premiered, we were on an Olivia Cruise to Mexico, and three of the cast members and Ilene Chaykin were on board for the Olivia Women's leadership conference. Needless to say, after we saw the pilot ep on the big screen, it was one hot rockin' boat.
2008-10-28 15:35
send me a set too! I want to see what Max has been up to, and write more critical essays on the identity politics in the L word.
2008-10-28 19:18
i can't believe that this is going to be the last season. it will be so weird to run out of new l-word. but i suppose that my GPA will improve, seeing as i spend a fair amount of homework time on the l-word....it is a different kind of studying.
2008-10-29 02:00
Waiting for the last season of L-Word is like sitting on pins & needles...watching re-runs on Logo and popping in my own season 1 and 2 DVDs is not sufficing at the moment. Will there be any new characters? How is Ilene going to wrap up all the loose-ends of 5 seasons of lesbian drama?
2008-11-03 19:22
i have seen all 4 seasons and its great.. a lesbian drama involving race issues, breast cancer awareness and the war in iraque..its an eye openner ....Alice has a roller coaster life..i can't wait to see what else she could still go through this 5th season..i hope to grab a copy..all the best to the L word!!
2008-11-06 08:03
Oh man I would LOVE one of those DVD sets! Honestly, the L Word gets a lot of flack from a lot of people, but it has changed so many lives and I will be sad to see it go after the final season. I've watched the entire series at least three times and it's amazing to see how far it's come, as well as how far the characters have come. To think that the show features gay people, bisexual people, transgendered people, deaf people, even a male lesbian (remember that?)...! I mean, what other show can say that? This last season will really be the end of an era.
2008-11-06 09:40
I LOVE the L word! My roommate and i watch it almost religiously, and season 5 is currently my favorite.
I also agree with Sheana--Alice is my favorite character but i'm not really sure how I feel about her 'outing' gay people to the public media. SO my taste for her has declined.
2008-11-07 13:37
My roommate and I got the last few seasons on bootleg from an expat friend in Vietnam.
It would be awesome to have a copy of one of the seasons without asian character subtitles!
2008-11-10 16:19
Are there a lot of gay guys that like this show?
2008-11-15 12:09
I have never gotten to watch the show. It does not come on in my area of Texas, and tho I am a straight man, I would love to understand what the L mind is all about. I am quite liberated in my thinking and I think everyoneshould be able to choose a life best suited to their own needs and preferences.
If you have any more of those dvd's. I really want one.
2009-01-15 23:39
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