My partner and I have gotten two straight wedding invitations in a row yesterday. Seriously, two in a day. Honestly, I was not happy and I felt extremely bitter.
It reminds me how angry I feel towards our straight friends who do not speak up for their underprivileged friends.
It reminds me how bitter I feel being in straight weddings because I realize that we will probably never have that experience (whether I want it or not).
It reminds me that we cannot legally get married, enjoy the same federal and state benefits as hetrosexual married couples (whether I want them or not).
It reminds me that binational couples have to be seperated even though they have been in committed relationships for years because immigration laws do not recognize same sex relationships.
It reminds me that I constantly worry about inheritance and hospital visitation rights because we are not protected.
It reminds me that it not really marriage that I want but being treated equally and having the same rights as everyone else.
It reminds me that I don't have any option because we don't have the rights.
It reminds me that we are still being discrimiated againist as a minority.
Call for action: To support immigration rights for binational same-sex couples, please
donate to Immigration Equality.