The following states have ballot initiatives to amend their constitutions to ban same-sex marriage in 2006: Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Virginia, and Wisconsin. The following states plan on introducing similar ballot initiatives in the future (the year the bigoted amendments are likely to be presented to voters is in parentheses): California (2008), Florida (2008), Indiana (2008), Iowa (2008), Massachusetts (2008), Minnesota (2007), North Carolina (2007), Pennsylvania (2009).
Of these 16 states, 12 are in the Dirty Thirty: Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Indiana, Iowa, Minnesota, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Virginia, and Wisconsin. So if you're queer and live in one of those states, your very way of life could be threatened by what's happening this election. 2006 is your chance to keep discrimination from being legalized in your own home. 2006 is your chance to put people in power who will ensure that you, your families, your children, and the gay community have a place in your part of America.
Tomorrow's the big day. Show America we have a voice and that it is fabulous.