The Gay Marriage Ban failed to gain the 2/3 majority vote it required to pass on the floor of the U.S. Senate today (that's 66 Senators out of 100).
How did your Senators vote? Check out the roll call after the jump.
If your Senators voted Yea to the ban, I recommend that you write to them and let them know that you will not tolerate an elected official that would write bigotry and discrimination into the United States Constitution. I would especially do this if I was living in a Dirty Thirty state (which I'm not, but perhaps you are).
What's that? You've never written to your Senator and don't know how to do it? Trust me when I tell you that it is oh, so easy in the digital age. Just go to this page on the U.S. Senate website, select your state from the drop down menu, and click on the appropriate links to send your Senators a message. Hell, it's so easy, you might as well write a note of thanks if your Senator voted Nay (which I've just done).